Thursday, September 21, 2006

Climate Change Training w/ Al Gore

This just in from the Climate Project...

This fall Al Gore will begin training more than 1,000 individuals to make a version of his now-renowned presentation to groups in their local communities. The Climate Project will administer these training sessions. The training will focus on the science behind the presentation Al Gore has been making for more than two decades as seen in the film An Inconvenient Truth. This program will help trainees to become presenters.

Training sessions will begin in late September in Nashville, Tennessee, and continue through January. Each training session will take place over a two-day period and will be free of charge to those applicants who are selected. Trainees will receive a “Tool Kit” containing a handbook, handouts for their audiences, presentations, and all other materials necessary to make a presentation of their own. Trainees will be expected to pay for their own flights or transportation, accommodation and any additional meals. We will provide a list of accommodation options and other local information. Receptions, other meals, and local transportation will be provided
during the sessions.

Each trainee will be asked to commit to making a minimum of ten (10) presentations over a one-year period following the completion of their training and to meet other reasonable requirements which will be outlined prior to the training program. If you wish to apply online, please go to The Climate Project or contact:

Jenny Clad
Project Director
The Climate Project
c/o The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee
P.O. Box 440225
Nashville, TN 37244


At 10:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear folks,

Is this a joke?

"Well-trained activists" should ask Al Gore about his own deep personal and family financial and political ties to Occidental Petroleum (Oxy). I guess he should know about climate change, being linked with such a well-known "friend" of the environment as Oxy.

Mr Gore's father, Al Gore Sr, served on Oxy's board of directors for nearly three decades. They would remember how U'wa Indigenous People in Colombia and their supporters confronted Oxy and Mr Gore over Oxy's plans to drill on U'wa land during Al Gore's presidential campaign in 2000. For example, they might want to read this Corpwatch article on the Gore/Oxy connection before listening to what Big Al has to say about the environment:


A Choudry


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